
Welcome to the (MRA) Magda Read Associates website






MRA (Magda Read Associates) aims to provide bespoke professional and specialist support/intervention on any areas of Organisational Development.

We are committed to ensuring that our clients received first class service by benefiting from the wide range of expertise that we can offer under one roof. For instance, our strategic approach to organisational development with an added element of business development/management, enables us to provide more meaningful and better quality services to our clients.

We also recognise that empowering the people that we work with; who could inject true Leadership within their organisation, would undoubtedly contribute to the long-term sustainability of the organisation. We address this by adapting the Learn, Implement and Progress (LIP) strategy.  We believe in the Chinese proverbs, “Give me a fish and I will eat it in a day; but if you show me how to fish, I will have fish for the rest of my life”.

What is Organisational Development?

The term Organisational Development (OD) is sometimes referred to as Capacity Building. It is a lot more complex than many of us think it is. It refers to specific approach of producing desired changes in the functioning of an organisations (Hosking and Anderson, 1992).

OD includes the following procedures (1) diagnosing the organisation’s current functioning; (2) planning interventions for the improvement; (3) mobilising resources to put the plan into action; and (4) evaluating the effects (Berry and Houston, 1993 under King and Anderson, 1995).